Lost a Tooth? Explore Your Options at Bond Street Dental!

Losing a tooth may seem like a real catastrophe, but is actually less dramatic these days, thanks to improvements in dental technology and techniques. If you have lost a tooth, replacing it may be easier than you think.

Even so, it is still important to be informed about the causes of failing teeth and what preventive measures you can take in the future.

What Are the Causes of Failing Teeth?

Accidents and impacts aside, failing teeth are usually caused by two denominators – tooth decay and gum disease.

Patients who have lost a tooth due to failing teeth should come to Bond Street Dental for an evaluation because if you have lost a tooth due to gum disease or tooth decay, there’s a strong chance that it may happen again in the future. Prevention is definitely better than needing to find a cure, so be sure to make an appointment if you believe there may be an underlying problem.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease can come in many forms, but the most common forms are gingivitis and periodontitis. The first type, gingivitis, is actually an inflammation of the gums. The condition itself is easy to treat, but when left unchecked, gingivitis can grow into a real problem.

Gingivitis can be quite easy to spot if the patient knows what they are looking for. Patients with gingivitis will often suffer from red and swollen gums, bleeding gums while brushing or flossing, sensitive teeth and bad breath.

Some patients can be more susceptible to gingivitis than others. Smokers and diabetics tend to be the most likely to struggle with the condition, however specific elements of general dental health can also lead to gingivitis, such as poorly fitted dental appliances, crooked teeth and broken fillings.

So how is it treated? Most patients can treat gingivitis simply by ensuring good oral hygiene and visiting their dental hygienist on a frequent basis. For extreme cases of gingivitis, there are several surgical procedures available. The dentist can also prescribe an antibiotic mouthwash or other oral antibiotics to reduce the inflammation.

When comparing gingivitis to periodontitis, one could say that periodontitis is the more severe gum disease. Periodontitis will not only affect the gums; it will also affect the periodontium – a general term for the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth, which means that periodontitis can eventually lead to the loss of teeth.

Periodontitis should always be treated by your dentist or dental hygienist. If left unchecked, periodontitis can cause a severe loss of teeth and even affect your general health. If you suspect you suffer from periodontitis, be sure to make an appointment with Bond Street Dental as soon as possible.

What is Tooth Decay?

Tooth decay is a phenomenon that can be prevented, but when left untreated, it can lead to the loss of teeth. Tooth decay is accompanied by a number of symptoms, which include toothache, sensitivity of the teeth, black spots appearing on the teeth, bad breath and a bad taste in the mouth. If any of these symptoms appear, it is essential to contact Bond Street Dental as soon as possible.

What Impact Can the Loss of a Single Tooth Have?

The loss of teeth can also have an impact on the functioning of the mouth. When you have lost a tooth, the jawbone where that tooth was embedded has become obsolete. The jawbone no longer fulfils its function in that location, which can make the jawbone deteriorate. Also, the longer the tooth is missing, the more the jawbone can deteriorate, which can cause problems with a dental implant in the future.

Losing a tooth can also have an impact on the appearance of the face. The face can begin to sag, making the patient look older than he or she really is. However, this kind of effect only happens with the loss of several teeth.

Why Choose Melbourne Dental Implants to Replace a Missing Tooth?

Patients who choose to get dental implants will notice that the function of the jawbone will return once the dental implants have been inserted into the jawbone. The dental implants will stimulate the jawbone, just like normal teeth.

Replacing a missing tooth with a dental implant can also prevent future dental problems by ensuring the bone does not becomes unstable, causing other teeth to potentially shift.

Patients who believe that our Melbourne dental implants are suitable for them should make an appointment with one of the dentists or oral surgeons at Bond Street Dental. During your appointment, you can discuss your options with one of our experts or maybe even discover additional dental implant options you were not aware of.

Patients with several missing teeth can also get treatment at the Bond Street Dental Clinic, since we also provide cosmetic dentistry and oral rehabilitation for these patients. In addition to regular dental implants, we also provide an alternative dental implant treatment for patient with not enough jawbone for regular dental implants, more specifically the All-On-4® dental implants. More information about this unique dental implant technique can be found on the website, or by attending one of the free information evenings frequently organised by the Bond Street Dental Clinic.

During a free information evening, prospective patients can attend a seminar. The seminar includes vital information patients need to know about the treatment; this envelops subjects such as cost, the execution of the treatment, eligibility criteria, and more. Unfortunately, our free information evenings are quite popular, so we must ask interested patients to register their interest for the free information evenings beforehand. To register your interest and reserve seats for yourself and other interested parties, please head over to our free information evening information pages and fill in the form you find on this page. Then, submit the form and our team will contact you as soon as a free information evening in your area becomes available.