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Category: Sleep Dentistry

Education, information and inspiration from Bond St.

Keep on top of the latest updates from the team at Bond St, and discover the depth of our services and knowledge about your dental well-being.

What is Dental Anxiety And How to Treat it

5 Oct 2021 Dental anxiety is a term used to describe fear, anxiety or stress in a dental setting (1).

What Are Dental Implants? | Costs and Procedure

4 Oct 2021 There is no doubt that your own teeth are the best teeth you can have if you keep them healthy! However, for patients that already have missing teeth or who require teeth to be taken out, dental implants are the next best thing!

What is Digital Smile Design?

3 Oct 2021 Cosmetic dentistry has become increasingly popular over the last few years, with a big demand for porcelain veneers. Whilst well planned and performed dentistry can have wonderful cosmetic outcomes, the patient can often feel that they are left out of the design process or perhaps they can’t imagine the ‘end result’ of their treatment. This is where the DSD process makes all the difference.

How much does All-on-4® cost in Australia?

14 Apr 2021 If you’re missing or about to lose teeth, it’s likely you’ve heard about All-on-4® - the gold standard for smiles in need of the ultimate teeth replacement transformation.

How anaesthesia helps dental anxiety

14 Apr 2021 Sometimes, going to the dentist can feel a little nerve wracking. There’s no shame in experiencing dental anxiety, but the truth is—with modern anaesthesia and the incredible advances in dental technology we’ve seen in recent years, a trip to the dentist has never been more comfortable.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections Melbourne

23 Mar 2021 Professional Anti-Wrinkle Treatment at Bond Street Dental