When your dentist is preparing your teeth for porcelain veneers, a thin layer of enamel is removed to create room for the new restorations. In some cases where there is crowding of the teeth or there are bite issues, your dentist may have to remove a little more enamel to achieve a beautiful result, this is when orthodontics may be advised.

Orthodontics may also be recommended before veneers in cases where there is a very narrow smile, to create a broader arch.

At Bond Street we offer Invisalign orthodontic treatment. Invisalign is a popular clear aligner system that gradually moves the teeth into the desired position, without metal wires and brackets. If your teeth are severely crowded, we may recommend that your visit a specialist orthodontist before we consider placing porcelain veneers.

The best way to determine if orthodontics is necessary prior to veneers is to have a Digital Smile Design evaluation or virtual consult. We will evaluate your smile, understand your treatment goals and plan your journey, together, with you.